Sunday, August 2, 2009

Doc is on point!

Director Darrick Patterson

Another interesting day in the world of filmmaking. You never know what's going to happen. Yesterday, I was loading up materials for the shoot in my truck and about to leave the house when I saw a damn snake in the garage. A huge snake in the garage! I was already running behind but I had to stop and grab a shovel to EXECUTE the intruder. I've got kids so the snake had to go! It was time for battle... I won. Then when I arrived at the shoot, I realized one of our key crew members was missing. Maybe she had a snake in the garage too. But we had to go ahead and start. So no matter what challenges come your way in independent filmmaking, you have to remember the production must go on!

We've been getting some great footage for the documentary so far. Just wrapped up another successful shoot over at City of Ink. A couple more shoots with them and that portion of the film will be complete. The film is starting to come to life. It's funny how you have one idea for the project, but once you start shooting it takes it's on form. You have to just be flexible and see where the story takes you...while staying true to the initial topic. I can already see us making changes as the stories unfold and develop. It's the art of filmmaking. But it is turning into a very special project. We've got our hands on something HOT! It has great energy and has the potential to be powerful, inspiring and entertaining. We have some excellent people lined up to interview. LETS GO

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